
June 6rd, 2010

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Office du Jerriaismagazines, Minority Languages

L’ArnitoileEl gazette du Rouchi – est un magâsîn Picard êcrit dans “l’parler picard du Valenciennos”. J’avons justément r’chu l’neunmétho spécial Juîn-Septembre 2010 tchi mèrque lé 20e annivèrsaithe d’l’Association Patoisante Georges Fidit. Parmi l’cont’nu: “Nu comme un vier” d’ Roger Bar; des ditons; Lucas, l’cat-marotte ed’ Joëlle, pouor les mousses; des pièches dé thiâtre; eune articl’ye entouor l’thiâtre des poupettes (tch’est eune tradition en Picardie).

We have just received the latest issue of the Picard magazine L’Arnitoile – a special double issue (Nos. 189-190) celebrating the anniversary of an association that promotes the language. If you can read Jèrriais, then some Picard (if you squint and concentrate hard) is not all that difficult to read. The latest issue contains regular features and special articles (including the Picard tradition of puppet theatre). More information can be found on the corresponding website:
