Fête Nouormande 2010

June 6th, 2010

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Fête Nouormande 2010

Office du JerriaisFête Nouormande, vidgo

La Fête Nouormande 2010 (Fête des Rouaisouns) fut un grand succès. L’Assemblèye eud Normandie prînt pliaiche à Fontaine-le-Bourg (en Nouormand: Fotaine-eul-Bourg) en Haute Nouormandie. Y’avait toutes les r’citâtions dé couôteunme, la chant’tie, et coumme ou viyiz sus l’vidgo, d’la dans’sie.

This year’s Fête Nouormande took place the other side of Normandy. The local Cauchois speakers found the Jèrriais and Dgèrnésiais accents a bit unusual (but they were impressed by our poetry), and the Cauchois wasn’t all that easy to understand for the Channel Island contingents (but we were very impressed by the evening of theatre). The usual mix of recitations, songs, stalls and dances attracted large crowds of visitors and participants.