La Fête du Cidre

October 10th, 2010

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La Fête du Cidre

Office du Jerriaisalcohol, festivals, signs

La Fête du Cidre 2010 - Lé Tou du touOut and about with more poetry in Town yesterday. One complaint was received: the posters are too small! One result of the intervention in the public space is that at least some people who didn’t know the function of the apple crusher are now aware of it.

Lé tou du tou

Y’a dans les trente ans, la Rue d’Driéthe et la Ruette Hadgais fûdrent pavées, et nou-s’embellit la carre en y pliaichant un tou d’preinseu. D’pis mil neu chents septante-huit lé tou d’preinseu a ‘té là, mais combein qu’i’ y’a d’gens et d’vîsiteurs tchi l’èrconnaîssent achteu? Et chenna sustout quand ch’est tout plianté atout des flieurs.

About thirty years ago, King Street and Ruette Haguais were pedestrianised, and this corner was enhanced with an apple crusher. This crusher has been here since 1978, but how many passers by recognise it nowadays? Especially when it’s all planted up with flowers.