En la Républyique d’Irlande, nou-s’a justément publié un neu plian pouor hauchi l’nombre des cheins tchi pâlent l’Irlandais rédguliéthement. À liéthe (en Angliais) la nouvelle ichîn: “Plan could treble number speaking Irish, says Cowen“
“I believe this strategy is a historic one and that this is a historic day for the Irish language. For the first time since the State was founded there is a comprehensive, long-term plan for Irish,” the Taoiseach said, speaking in Irish. “Under this plan, it is intended to increase the number of people who speak Irish on a daily basis from 83,000 to 250,000 people within 20 years.”
Dêchergiz la stratégie ichîn: 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030
The Republic of Ireland has just published a new strategy for the Irish language. Those interested can download the document.