Un but d’la Bibl’ye – Scripture snippet

March 3th, 2011

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Un but d’la Bibl’ye – Scripture snippet

Office du Jerriaisanimals, Bible

Leopard---Panthera-pardus-saxicolor---Face---(Gentry)Des buts en Jèrriais d’la Bibl’ye pouor l’annivèrsaithe d’la vèrsion Angliaîche d’la Bibl’ye dite du Rouai Jacques, ou Autorisée:
Jèrriais Scripture snippets to mark the anniversary of the English translation of the Bible known as the
King James or Authorised Version:

Don un lion d’la bouaîs’sie les tueûtha et un loup du d’sèrt les dêvastétha. Un léopard dgett’ta lus villes, et touos les cheins tch’en sortithont s’sont égdachis; car lus maûfaits sont nombreux et i’ font d’pus en pus d’mêché. (Jérémie 5: 6)

Wherefore a lion out of the forest shall slay them, and a wolf of the evenings shall spoil them, a leopard shall watch over their cities: every one that goeth out thence shall be torn in pieces: because their transgressions are many, and their backslidings are increased.