Des langues et des noes – Titbits

March 3st, 2011

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Des langues et des noes – Titbits

Office du Jerriaisditons, vocabulary

Diton: Di-mé tchi qu’tu hante et j’té dithai tchi qu’tu’es = Birds of a feather flock together/Ceux qui se ressemblent s’assemblent

ch’est là san hant = that’s where he hangs out

il a eune hantise de chenna = he’s got an obsession about that; he’s hung up on that

il a prîns eune hantise de lyi = he’s got a thing for her

hanter eune hardelle = to court/woo a girl/young woman

un hanteux d’feunmelles = a skirt-chaser, a womaniser

eune maîson hantée = a haunted house