Donkey Dialogue

May 5th, 2011

Jèrriais Logo

Donkey Dialogue

Office du Jerriaisfestivals, Guernsey, Minority Languages, mp3

Liberation Day in Jersey 2-0351The Donkey Dialogue feature at This is Guernsey has a topical Dgèrnésiais phrase for the holiday weekend:

Leudi ki viant sra l’jour dla Liberâtiaon et coume nou dit, “Faot daonc célébrai et s’en ermaette!”.
Next Monday is Liberation Day and as they say, “Let us remember and celebrate!”.

So here’s an equivalent version of the phrase in Jèrriais for comparison:

Lundi tchi veint s’sa l’Jour d’la Libéthâtion et coumme nou dit, “Ramémouaithons auve eune bouonne bordée!”