Irish and Manx gaelic speakers discuss the Manx Gaelic revival

May 5th, 2011

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Irish and Manx gaelic speakers discuss the Manx Gaelic revival

Office du JerriaisMinority Languages, vidgo

Un vidgo d’la télévision Irlandaise auve d’s entréveues auve l’anmîn Brian Stowell et l’anmîn Paul Rogers d’l’Île dé Man. Èrgardez l’êcole en Manx – ch’est eune êcole dé même en Jèrriais qué j’pliannons êcalopper en Jèrri!

Irish-language television interviews language revivalists in the the Isle of Man (with whom we’ve worked). An interesting, if brief, look at the Manx-medium school – a model for a future Jèrriais-medium school in Jersey.

(MBDF à @greinneyder pouor lé lian!)