Pouôrri – Decay

May 5th, 2011

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Pouôrri – Decay

Office du Jerriaisdictionary, vocabulary

Rotting appleoulle en pouôrrithait d’dêpiet = she’d die of envy/go green with envy
A nice phrase which has just happened to turn up in an article we’re transcribing by Piteur Pain, 1916.

  • pouôrri = to rot, to suppurate, to fester, to go bad
  • pouôrri = rotten
  • pouôrri d’sou = stinking rich
  • lé pouôrri = dry rot
  • lé pouôrrissement = rotting, decay, decaying
  • la pouôrrithie = rotting, decay, decaying
  • la pouôrrituthe = rot, pus, decay