Nouvelles Chroniques du Don Balleine

September 9th, 2011

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Nouvelles Chroniques du Don Balleine

Office du Jerriaiselections, Nouvelles Chroniques

Jersey general election 2011 10

La fîn du temps f’tha tout vaie, et l’préchain neunmétho des Nouvelles Chroniques du Don Balleine est àl’înmprînm’thie.

All things come to he who waits, and it’s not long to wait now for the next issue of the quarterly Jèrriais magazine.

Lé thème dé chu neunmétho est l’s Êlections, et j’eûnmes àen coper un tas, d’pièches. Avaûles siècl’yes les Jèrriais ont êcrit un tas d’tchi entouor l’s êlections.

It’s a topical election special, and so much has been written in Jèrriais about elections over the centuries that many pieces had to hit the cutting-room floor in the editing process.

Y’a des pièches dé 2011, 1888, 1913, 1899, 1970, 1910 et 1866. Y’a eune description littéthaithe d’la vot’tie d’vant l’scrutîn s’gret. Et Papa l’fichu vièr menteux est d’èrtou dans eune nouvelle aventuthe.

Among poetry and prose from this year and time past, there’s a rare description of the voting procedure before the introduction of the secret ballot in 1891, and another credulity-stretching tale of Papa.