Ouïy’-ous? Do you hear?

November 11th, 2011

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Ouïy’-ous? Do you hear?

Office du Jerriaisdictionary, ditons, vocabulary

Enrico Fabris Screaming 2006

  • hongni = to gasp
  • houongni = to grumble
  • hîngni = to neigh, to whinny
  • honner = to grunt, to moan
  • houinner = to whine
  • houâler = to shout out
  • ouâler = to wail, to yell
  • huchi = to shout
  • hêler = to hail, to shout down, to give a talking-to
  • hueûler = to yell, to howl, to bellow, to roar
  • houper = to guffaw, to call out, to cheer
  • hiqu’ter = to hiccup
  • houîmbrer = to whimper, to whinny

  • ou f’thez bein des fais hâ! d’vant Pâques = there’s a long way to go yet
  • des geints et des pargeins = moans and groans
  • des houîns et des ouas et des soupirs long coumme lé bras = (lots of) moaning and groaning
  • hîn-han = hee-haw