La Gâzette du Sé annonche:
The 11th Great Garden Bird Watch takes place this weekend, Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 February.
Pouor dé nous, un êtchutheu est un drôlé d’ouaîsé, mais né v’chîn la liste des criatuthes en Jèrriais:
Here are Jèrriais names of species to be on the lookout for:
- Rouoge-gorge = Robin
- Mêle = Blackbird
- Grive = Song thrush
- Gros-bé = House sparrow
- Bliu-bonnet = Great tit
- Bliûtinne = Blue tit
- Vèrmîngnon = Greenfinch
- Pînchon = Chaffinch
- Êtourné = Starling
- D’mié-pigeon = Collared dove
- Pigeon sauvage = Woodpigeon
- Pie = Magpie
- Corbîn = Crow
- Mauve = Herring gull
- Raîté = Wren
- Pique-en-bouais = Great spotted woodpecker
- Craûlant-tchu = Pied wagtail
- Geai = Jay
- P’tit-bé = Dunnock
- Soucique = Long-tailed tit
- Êtchutheu = Red squirrel