Du Cornouaillais pouor la Saint Pithan – Use Cornish for Pirantide

February 2th, 2012

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Du Cornouaillais pouor la Saint Pithan – Use Cornish for Pirantide

Office du JerriaisCornwall, festivals, Minority Languages

StpiraninpenwithMAGA suggéthe:

Use Cornish for Pirantide

Pirantide is fast approaching and this year MAGA is encouraging everyone, Cornish speaker or not, to use a phrase or two of Cornish on St Piran’s Day. Why not greet everyone you meet in Cornish first on St Piran’s Day? A simple ‘Gool Peran Lowen’ or ‘Dydh da’ – or perhaps just ‘Mar pleg’ or ‘Meur ras’ in a shop.

Pouortchi pon faithe sèrvi du Jèrriais pouor lé Jour d’la Libéthâtion – ou touos les jours!