Du Jèrriais siez BBC Jèrri

May 5st, 2012

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Du Jèrriais siez BBC Jèrri

Office du Jerriaisalcohol, festivals, radio, vocabulary

Here is a list of the phrases we covered in this week’s little Jèrriais lesson on BBC Jersey (Monday after 6pm).

  • Les Pays Bas = the Netherlands
  • Aniet ch’est un jour pouor la Reine ès Pays Bas = today’s a bank holiday in the Netherlands
  • les bas = ground floor
  • à bas = downstairs
  • lé bas-dg’ieau = low water, low tide
  • bâss’ler = go low-water fishing
  • bâssieauter = go low-water fishing
  • i’ n’faut pon chèrchi à aller à bâsse-ieau la mé au pliein = don’t try to go low-water fishing at high tide
  • mett’ bas = put down
  • fiche-mé bas qué j’t’èrlève = knock me down that I lift you back up (you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours…/hand in glove…)
  • un bâsse-braie = short person (low-trousered)
  • tu’as bâsse minne = you look ill
  • i’ fait bas = it’s (getting) dark
  • du fou-bas = strong cider