Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

May 5st, 2012

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Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

Office du Jerriaisdictionary, vocabulary

Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français contcheint un amas d’entrées tchi connaîssent la caûque-souothis ou f’thaient rithe les cats. Dans chutte séthie, j’en présentons en Angliais tchiqu’s’eunes d’întéthêt.
A series of out-of-the-ordinary entries translated from the Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français.

deune or deune s.f. 1. Partly petrified yellow clay. It is also called èrdgile or ardgile, ardgîle. For some people l’èrdgile or la jaune tèrre is one and the same thing, while for others jaune tèrre is found underneath cultivable land, and l’èrdgile is below jaune tèrre. But everyone agrees that deune is that which is under jaune tèrre. See also souale. They used deune for pottery. And roofers used it to cover a loft in thatch. cf Eng. dun = light brown (?).
2. Peat One finds peat on St. Ouen’s Beach when the high tide has uncovered it. Times past the old folk collected peat to put on the fire. Cf. G. gorban. And see tchèrbon – coal. Same origin as the Eng. dun = light brown (?).
3. Used also to signify, embankment. There’s the Field of the Deune at Les Câtieaux, in Trinity – after the well-known historic embankment or deune that was also known as césar, q.v. Cf. Fr. Dune = heap of sand accumulated by the wind.