Du Jèrriais siez BBC Radio Jèrri

May 5nd, 2012

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Du Jèrriais siez BBC Radio Jèrri

Office du Jerriaisdictionary, ditons, radio

Here is a list of the phrases we covered in this week’s little Jèrriais lesson on BBC Jersey (Monday after 6pm). Geraint’s absence provided the theme…

Comme est qu’ tu’es? = How are you?

Coumme eune pouque mouoillie = like a wet bag

J’sis pouôrrement aniet = I am poorly today

Geraint n’a fait qué d’toûtre la niet pâssée = Geraint has done nothing but cough last night

Il est à toûtre coumme eune canne câssée = He is coughing like a broken jug

Ah, sécours, tchi toûss’sie! Prend don tchiquechose! = Oh, heavens, what coughing! Take something for it!

Ch’est un toûssoteux tchi toûssote pouor qué nou l’ouaie v’nîn = He’s a light cougher who ahems (coughs lightly) so that you can hear him coming