Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

June 6th, 2012

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Des buts du Dictionnaithe – Dictionary snippets

Office du Jerriaisdictionary, vocabulary, weather

Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français contcheint un amas d’entrées tchi connaîssent la caûque-souothis ou f’thaient rithe les cats. Dans chutte séthie, j’en présentons en Angliais tchiqu’s’eunes d’întéthêt.
A series of out-of-the-ordinary entries translated from the Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français.

affronter, v. 1. Serve badly. My butcher served me badly two weeks ago; he sent me some meat that was as tough as leather…
2. Disappoint, let down. That Ph’lippe promises something, and then he lets you down. An old lady from Saint Ouen used this expression to explain to us how her son, who did not, as a mechanic, have the heart to turn down clients, was forced to let them down due to an overload of work.
3. Seduce. He seduced ….’s daughter, you know, some years ago... Cf. N. affronter = same meaning.
4. = F. It’s not very nice out, but we’ll take a chance on the weather! – run the risk; A. dare, etc.