Du Jèrriais siez BBC Radio Jèrri

June 6th, 2012

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Du Jèrriais siez BBC Radio Jèrri

Office du Jerriaisradio, vocabulary

Here is a list of the phrases we covered in this week’s little Jèrriais lesson on BBC Jersey (Monday after 6pm).

coper = cut
cliuter = paste

caûffer = heat
èrfraidgi/r’fraidgi = cool

faithe sèrvi = use
èrnonchi/r’nonchi = stop using, give up

mouoilli = wet, dampen
s’tchi = dry

Note short form/long form èr/r’

We also discussed placenames:
Lé Pliat Dou = the flat brook
Lé Rouoge Bouoillon = the red spring
Lé Stchez = the place that dries up
Les Tchennevais = the hemp fields