La Fête Nouormande 2012

September 9th, 2012

Jèrriais Logo

La Fête Nouormande 2012

Office du Jerriaisclothing, Fête Nouormande, Guernsey

En 2012, La Fête Nouormande (Fête des Rouaisouns) prînt pliaiche en Dgèrnésy lé 15 de Septembre. Y’avait d’s èrcitâtions, d’la chant’tie et d’la dans’sie. Tchi rassembliément d’Dgèrnésiais, d’Jèrriais et d’Nouormands d’la Grand’ Tèrre. J’sommes touos d’ichîn – et j’sommes des couôsîns! N’en v’chîn des portraits:

The annual get-together of Norman speakers from Guernsey, Jersey and the mainland took place in Guernsey this year. The various forms of Norman language were heard, including Jèrriais, and there was a fine mix of poetry, song, dance and costume to liven things up. And to prove how colourful it all was, here are some pictures: