CD: Hèque Badlabecques

October 10th, 2012

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CD: Hèque Badlabecques

Office du Jerriaisdictionary, songs, vocabulary

Lé CD à Badlabecques: Hèque Badlabecques!
hétchi = to like, to fancy, to be taken with

  • la hardelle né m’hèque pon fort = I don’t fancy the girl much
  • lé hardé né m’hèque pon fort = I don’t fancy the lad much
  • prannez chein tchi vouos hèque le pus = take the one you like most
  • chenna m’hèque = I’m into that, I like that
  • j’sis hétchi d’chutte chanson = I’m into this song, I like this song
  • hèque…! = long live…! up with…! hurrah for…!