Eune DUKWie?

July 7th, 2013

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Eune DUKWie?

Office du Jerriaisfestivals, transport, vocabulary

Saint Hélyi pèlerinnage 2010 17À matîn nou-s’a ‘té au Châté Lîzabé pouor la Saint Hélyi. I’ faîthait bieau temps et la crouaîs’sie ‘tait mangnifique. Les cheins tch’y crouaîsîtent remplyîtent un DUKW. Auprès nou d’mandit, “Y’avait-i’ grand monde?” Et sus chenna nou rêponnit, “Oui. Y’en avait eune… eune… eune DUKWie… eune Dutchie… eune Deutchie… bein, assez d’monde pouor remplyi un DUKW!”

Ch’n’est pon eune ouadginnée, eune vainnée, eune bat’lée, eune hèrnachie… mais tch’est qu’est l’mot? Si un DUKW ‘tait coumme eune pouque, nou-s’éthait ofûche eune doutchie au run d’eune poutchie.

Tch’est qu’ous en pensez, bouonnes gens?

An early morning crossing was made to Elizabeth Castle this morning for Saint Helier Day. The weather was fine and the crossing excellent. There was a DUKW-full of people who made the trip. Afterwards the question was asked, “Were there many people?” And the reply to that wasn’t straightforward as nobody was sure what the correct form of the words for the contents of a DUKW was. We have lots of words for the contents of things, and if a DUKW-full isn’t quite like a lorryload, a vanload, a boatload, or a cartload, it might be like a bagfull. Or perhaps not. What do you think?