Quiz! Doque!

June 6th, 2014

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Quiz! Doque!

Office du Jerriaisalcohol, Fête Nouormande, quiz, sport

Auprès la gamme dé doque hièr au sé – Mêcrédi au sé j’avons un Quiz (chasse ès rêponses) en Ville – 6h du sé; rencontrez dans l’Vièr Marchi – pus tard, à l’aubèrge.

After yesterday evening’s game of doque – Wednesday evening we have a walkabout Town quiz – meet in Royal Square 6pm and walk around to find the answers on the quiz sheet (there are questions in Jèrriais and clues in English; beginners and others can ask for a helping hand!) – answers to be checked in pub later.

Doque dans La Pathade, Mardi au sé. Des mousses vîndrent jouer et apprîndrent deux-trais neunméthos et mots:

This picture of the game of doque yesterday evening in Parade Gardens looks a bit like a spot the ball competition. Can you spot the stone in play? Some children joined in the game and learned a few Jèrriais numbers and words:

Tchi bouonne gamme dé doque qué j'avons joué dans La Pathade! – what a good game of doque we played in The Parade! pic.twitter.com/8PBHKXIYNE

— L'Office du Jèrriais (@le_jerriais) June 10, 2014