Drinker’s Dictionary

November 11th, 2014

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Drinker’s Dictionary

Office du Jerriaisalcohol, vocabulary

Hièr au sé à l’Adelphi dans la Pathade en Ville, j’èrgardînmes eune liste dé vocabulaithe entouor la baithie tch’a titre “Drinker’s Dictionary”. Mais nou r’mèrtchit qu’i’ y’avait des mots et expressions tchi manquent.

Yesterday evening in the Adelphi in the Parade in town, we looked at a vocab list about drinking under the title “Drinker’s Dictionary”. But it was spotted that there were some words and expressions missing.

  • la natte à biéthe = beer mat
  • l’aubèrge = the pub
  • la dgèrgote = the pub
  • lé cabathet = the bar, the pub

  • convier = pay for a round of drinks, stand a round
  • lé convieux = person whose round it is
  • la conviéthie = paying for a round of drinks
  • té pliaît-i’ eune fais à baithe? = fancy a drink?
  • té pliaît-i’ baithe eune fais? = fancy a drink?
  • ch’est mé tchi conv’yie = it’s my round; I’m paying
  • ch’est té tchi conv’yie = it’s your round; you’re paying
  • ch’est li tchi conv’yie = it’s his round; he’s paying
  • ch’est lyi tchi conv’yie = it’s her round; she’s paying

  • un patchet d’brueûques = a packet of crisps
  • un patchet d’nouaix = a packet of nuts

  • la pompe = the pump
  • craûler = to stagger, to sway