Acouo du ji auve lé Jèrriais
Have More Fun with Jèrriais
If you ever wondered where our road names, place names and surnames come from, then now is the time to find out. For the month of July, L’Office du Jèrriais are inviting Islanders to drop in and enjoy a series of four, free lunchtime sessions to discover more about our Island home and its fascinating language Jèrriais. They take place every Wednesday throughout the month in the Jersey Library at 1pm, and run for 45 minutes.
“Jèrriais is Jersey’s unique language. For generations, Jersey people have used it to exchange poetry, stories, scandals and beliefs. It is a language of lullabies and laughs, mockery and swearwords. Using and protecting this great language helps us understand all the special and unique things about our island home.
We are really excited to be introducing these fun, drop-in sessions. Themed around the cardinal points of North, South, East and West they will give everyone a basic understanding about both our Island and our fascinating and fun Jèrriais language. They are perfect for all; whether you have recently moved to Jersey or have lived here for longer.”
The sessions will be hosted by Geraint Jennings and run on Wednesday 8th, 15th, 22ndand 29th July at 1pm in the Jersey Library, Halkett Place. There is no need to register, just bring your lunch and drop in for a 45 minute shot of Island inspiration whilst you eat.