A Tale o Twa Leids: Gaelic, Scots an smoorin wi luve

August 8th, 2015

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A Tale o Twa Leids: Gaelic, Scots an smoorin wi luve

Office du JerriaisMinority Languages

The Sair Fecht a bliodgi (y’a eune pause…) en Scots:

A Tale o Twa Leids: Gaelic, Scots an smoorin wi luve

But the attitudes that unnerlie the wey fowk speak an screive aboot minority leids maun be examined. Thir leids deserve respeck, an their speakers deserve recognition for bein real, diverse fowk, no possessed o mystical romantic pooers or couthy hameliness. An we ocht tae leuk at the reasons for yaisin an valuin thir leids wioot resortin tae tired stereotypes that hae aft been yaised tae tak pooer awa fae Gaelic, Scots an the fowk that speak thaim.