Badlabecques Reach 100% Album Fund Goal in Less Than Two Weeks

November 11th, 2016

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Badlabecques Reach 100% Album Fund Goal in Less Than Two Weeks

Office du Jerriaismoney, songs

Badlabecques annonchent:

Badlabecques Reach 100% Album Fund Goal in Less Than Two Weeks

Crowdfunder campaign successfully surpasses £2500 target, confirming new album ‘Cocolîncheux’ will be released in Spring 2017.

Jèrriais folk-pop band Badlabecques have been running a campaign to help raise enough money to release a new album – and they have achieved their goal in less than two weeks.

Lead singer Kit Ashton says:

“Tchi mèrveilleux! We have been absolutely bowled over by the amazing response from fans all over Jersey and beyond, including France, Germany, and even New Zealand. We’d like to say thank you so much to all of our wonderful backers, and everyone who helped spread the word.”

Reaching the goal so soon means Badlabecques will not only receive the pledge money (minus 6% fee for, but can also still run the campaign until the end of the month – so they will also receive any further pledges.

Kit Ashton:

“The campaign is still running for two more weeks, so people can still go online and pre- order the CD, t-shirts, prints, etc. We have now set a ‘stretch goal’ – it doesn’t matter whether we hit this goal, but it’s a way of us being transparent and showing the public what we’ll spend any extra money on.”

Any pledges towards the ‘stretch goal’ will be spent on two things:

1) Extra marketing (online and print) to get Badlabecques’ music and message as far and wide as possible.

2) Printing more CDs, if there is a demand.

To give a rough picture of the kind of marketing ideas Badlabecques are thinking about:

£100 would help run a decent Facebook campaign to get the word out when the album is released.

£250 would pay for a small printed advert in a local magazine or newspaper.

£500 would enable Badlabecques to make a basic professional standard music video for one of the songs from the album.

£1400 would pay to print another 1000 CDs – if needed.

£1500 would help us hire a professional PR company and perhaps get Badlabecques in the press outside of Jersey.

Whatever they raise – Badlabecques definitely have enough money now to finish and release the album.

The album launch itself will be at the Jersey Arts Centre in Spring 2017. Badlabecques will release more details about this as they are confirmed.