April 4th, 2010

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Des tristes nouvelles – j’avons ouï qu’Percy L’Masuthi n’est pus. Percy, tchi d’meuthait à La Pointe, Vînch’lez, pâlait du raide bouôn Jèrriais d’Saint Ouën.

À la rêunion annuel dé l’Assemblié d’Jèrriais y’a deux’trais ans, Percy nos racontit coumme tchi qu’i’ ‘tait entchethiné pouôr l’sport dans sa jannèche, et coumment qu’i’ ‘tait dans l’s Êtats d’Jèrri – i’ s’èrtithit coumme Député en 1996.
I’ nos aidgit dans les clâsses du Jèrriais étout – jusqu’à 2005 i’ fit des léçons à l’êcole dé Sainte Mathie.
Percy trépâssit l’ dînmanche d’Pacques (4 d’avri) 2010 – nos condolèances à sa fanmil’ye. À bétôt, man vyi.

Some sad news – we have heard today that Percy Le Masurier is no longer with us. Percy, who lived at La Pointe at Vinchelez, spoke the good St. Ouen variety of Jèrriais.
Speaking at the AGM of L’Assembliée d’Jèrriais a couple of years ago, he told us how keen he had been on sport in his younger days, and what it was like in the States – he retired as Deputy in 1996.
He helped us with the Jèrriais teaching programme too – until 2005 he taught Jèrriais at St. Mary’s School for us.
Percy died on Easter Sunday (4th April) 2010 – we send our sympathies to his family. Farewell, old friend.