O Cannada!

July 7st, 2010

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O Cannada!

Office du JerriaisCanada, clothing, history, Jersey Evening Post, La Société Jersiaise, Pages Jèrriaises

Morning News 1912Aniet ch’est l’Jour du Cannada.

Today is Canada Day.

An anecdote from George d’La Forge:

Ch’n’est pon souvent qu’ nou vait un homme dans les rues atout un chapé à la tête en êté ichîn et au Cannada à ch’t heu, et v’la tchi m’ramémouaithe qué j’avons la réputâtion, man fréthe Fraînque et mé, d’aver c’menchi la mode d’aller sans au Cannada. J’tions touos les deux dans l’s offices du gouvèrnément (“civil servants”) à Ottawa tôt auprès nouot’ arrivée dans l’Nouvieau Monde en 1919, et dans l’êté d’ 1910 jé c’menchînmes à marchi d’siez nous à l’office nueue-têtes. Nouos compangnons dans l’office trouvaient ch’la si drôle qué, par tchuthiôsité, deux-s’trais d’ieux fîdrent la méme chose. Lé temps est supèrbe en êté au Cannada et i’ trouvîdrent évidemment l’expéthience d’aver la tête nue au grand air bein pliaîsante, et d’vant longtemps jé c’menchînmes à en vaie par les c’mîns tch’étaient nueue-têtes comme nous et j’vînmes à aver la réputâtion d’aver fondé lé “Hatless Brigade” à Ottawa!

And from the Evening Post of 23/12/1916:

Winnipeg Channel Islanders’ Society
Lily Langtry (Lady de Bathe) Takes Part in Patriotic Concert

The above Society held a grand patriotic concert at the Lecture Hall, Industrial Bureau, Winnipeg, on Thursday, November 23rd, half the proceeds to be forwarded to the L.C.I. Fund and half to go to the ladies’ auxiliary of the above Society.

The large hall was gaily decorated for the occasion, and a good sized crowd was in attendance. Mrs. Langtry (The Jersey Lily), who was appearing in “Ashes” at the Orpheum Theatre, was approached by the Committee, and kindly consented to appear on the programme, which, needless to say, was easily the feature of any patriotic concert held here this year. The programme was one of the finest seen on local boards this season, and the large audience showed their approval in unmistakable fashion.

Mrs. Langtry, on appearing, was given a great reception, and recited “Verdun,” “The Death of Kitchener,” and being further recalled, gave a short speech about Jersey, which she finished with some Jersey-French poetry. A beautiful bouquet of flowers was presented to her by little Maud Abel…

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