La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

July 7rd, 2012

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La Section de la langue Jèrriaise

Office du Jerriaisbooks, festivals, La Société Jersiaise

La Section de la langue Jèrriaise rapporte:

Les Fieillets Jèrriais.
Juilet 2012

Salutâtions tout l’monde. Tchi temps acouo eune fais! Thank you to all those who attended last month’s meeting. Things are progressing slowly forward.

This month there are various events but the main one for us is the West Show. Colin Ireson et al at L’Office du Jèrriais would like some help running the Jèrriais stall this coming weekend. Names and times you can offer are needed so he can get Parking Permits. We also need to take some Preunmié Mille Mots for sale.

The SJ also has a stand/stall and maybe we could place some books there as well.

Later in the month there is the Festival of British Archaeology and members could join any of the Section’s visits and maybe add some Jèrriais to the scenes.

Meanwhile there will have been a Congrès meeting this Monday and further information regarding joining L’Assembliée and other events will be available this Wednesday.

It’s also possibly time for a discussion about our Eisteddfod piece for this Autumn.

Hence our meeting will be held at 8.00pm in the AM Room on Wed. 4th July to discuss the above and continue our literature sorting and vocab. learning.